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    Erie's Public Schools Student Stairclimber Awards


    Erie's Public Schools strives to always celebrate the success of our students. As part of that initiative, the Stairclimber Award is presented monthly at regular School Board meetings (from October through May) to one student from each building, recognizing their tenacity, grit and perseverance toward making improvements in their ABC's -- Attendance, Behavior and Classroom Performance.

    The EPS Stairclimber Award, which stems from PA School Climate Data feedback and Strategic Plan Survey results, supports our district-wide movement of School-Wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (SWPBIS).



    Meet our December 2024 Stairclimbers!

    Yanziel Ayala, Pfeiffer-Burleigh's December Stairclimber, and a staff member pose with his award.
    Yanziel Ayala, Pfeiffer-Burleigh Elementary School, Kindergarten
    "Yanziel has come such a long way in his first few months of Kindergarten. Yanziel works hard every day to demonstrate patience, kindness, and self regulation. I am so proud of him and how hard he has worked to improve his behavior and attitude towards school! Yanziel has become class role model and one of Mrs. Alarcon's best helpers!"


    Jayden Boone, Perry's December Stairclimber, poses with his plaque and school staff.

    Jayden Boone, Perry Elementary School, 5th grade

    "Jayden Boone has been nominated Jayden Boone for Perry's December Stair Climber Award. Jayden works hard every day to be a model Perry student. Jayden is kind to others on a consistent basis this year. Jayden shows responsibility by completing his work, participating in class, and helping others when they are in need. Jayden also is consistently respectful. Whenever he is addressed, redirected, or struggling, he works hard to respond appropriately. His teacher enjoys having him in my classroom and am so excited to see the young man he will become. Keep up the hard work Jayden! We are very proud of you!"


    Haunni Clark, Diehl Elementary's December Stairclimber, poses with her teacher and plaque.  

    Haunni Clark, Diehl Elementary School, 1st grade

    "Haunni Clark is one of our first graders here at Diehl and definitely deserves to be our Stairclimber nominee. Every morning she comes to school with a positive attitude and a sweet smile on her face that is simply contagious. She is always eager to learn and responsible by being prepared with all her materials, asking questions when she is unclear about something, always being on time, participating in group discussions and submitting ALL of her work. Additionally,  she is diligent at reaching her IReady and Amplify goals! She is always respectful by using her manners, raising her hand to speak, and listening to others while they are talking. She is so sweet and kind to all of her friends. I can always count on her to be a positive role model and reach out a hand to others when they need help. It has been an absolute pleasure having her in our class. There is no doubt in my mind that she will continue to do great things in the future. She is simply amazing and definitely deserves to be a Stairclimber! Way to go Haunni! Your Diehl school family loves and appreciates you and your family."


    Jasmine Cruz, Collegiate Academy's Stairclimber for December, poses with a school staff member and her plaque.

    Jasmine Cruz, Northwest Pennsylvania Collegiate Academy, 10th grade

    "Jasmine has shown significant growth since Freshman year. She is excelling in her academics as well as her social emotional growth. Jasmine is better able to problem solve and resolve conflicts on her own. She is an active member of Spirit Council, always taking the initiative and asking how she can help. Jasmine is also a homeroom rep this year."


    Shawn Drayer, Wilson's December Stairclimber, poses with his plaque and school staff.

    Shawn Drayer, Wilson Middle School, 8th grade

    "Over the course of the school year, Shawn has demonstrated improvement in the areas of both behavior and academics. Shawn consistently exhibits on-task behavior during instructional time. Shawn also does well following instruction from school staff. His grades and behavioral reports reflect positive social and academic choices. Additionally, he has shown an interest in caring for peers. Shawn has lent a helping hand during challenging assignments and social situations."


    Jamaya Hollingsworth, Erie High's December Stairclimber, poses with her plaque and Principal Orlando.

    Jamaya Hollingsworth, Erie High School, 9th grade

    "Jamaya had a very rough 9th grade year with us at Erie High. Jamaya has done a complete turn around this school year. Jamaya is always positive and polite. She is in school each day and is attending all of her classes. Jamaya has great behavior and great attendance. Jamaya is doing great and everyone in the school is very proud of her. Keep up the great work Jamaya."


    Noah Long, Lincoln Elementary's December Stairclimber, poses with his award plaque.

    Noah Long, Lincoln Elementary School, 1st grade

    "Noah has built his confidence as a first grader and is being a role-model by coming into school with a positive attitude ready to learn.  We are so proud of how he is growing as a leader at Lincoln.  Noah always shows what it means to ROAR as a Lincoln Lion!"


    Kevar Manus, Harding's December Stairclimber, poses with his plaque and Assistant Principal Yonkers.

    Kevar Manus, Harding Elementary School, 4th grade 

    "Harding nominates 4th grade student Kevar Manus.  Kevar is new to Harding this year and has worked so hard in his studies.  Kevar is very focused and determined to do his best.  We are proud of Kevar's progress this year.  He is a wonderful addition to our Harding family."


    Jericho Peterson, DiPaolo Student Success Center's December Stairclimber, poses with his plaque.

    Jericho Peterson, Patrick J. DiPaolo Student Success Center at Emerson Gridley/Erie's Public Schools Cyber Choice Academy, 3rd grade

    "Jericho Peterson- He comes to school every day with a positive attitude and a smile on his face. He attended every day for the first Academic Support Plan and has worked hard to raise his grades. He is not quite there yet but continues to work hard even when things are challenging. His resiliency is out of this world. He is a great friend to his classmates and always gets compliments about his behavior during gym, music, and art class. He works really hard and is dedicated to learning to read this year."


    Jermaine Spruill, McKinley's December Stairclimber, poses with his plaque and school staff.

    Jermaine Spruill, McKinley Elementary School, 5th grade

    "Jermaine has made huge gains in his behavior and academics this school year. He is cooperative in the classroom and in small group. He is working on improving his academic skills daily and participates with enthusiasm in small group. He is maintaining positive relationships with adults and peers and is a pleasure to be around. He has improved his sleeping in class and is completing his schoolwork. He is actively taking steps to improve himself and to focus on school this year. He is an outstanding example of perseverance and grit."

    Jayden Vazquez, Strong Vincent's December Stairclimber, poses with his plaque.

    Jayden Vazquez, Strong Vincent Middle School, 6th grade

    "This month's Stairclimber checks all the right boxes. Hard working? CHECK!  Polite and Respectful?  CHECK!  Kind to his peers? CHECK! Rocking middle school? DOUBLE CHECK! Jayden Vazquez amazes us every single day. His tenacity, love of learning, and willingness to put his best effort into all he does made him this month's UNANIMOUS choice for Strong Vincent's Stairclimber. With courage, he conquers."


    Kaylee Vega, Grover Cleveland's Stairclimber for December, poses with her award plaque.

    Kaylee Vega, Grover Cleveland Elementary School, 1st grade

    "Kaylee had a hard time following classroom and school expectations in kindergarten. She often left the classroom to escape her work. In first grade, she is here every day with a smile on her face and working so hard. She has been respectful, responsible, and safe since day one of this school year. She has lots of perseverance. I am so proud of her!"


    Liam Warren, Edison Elementary's December Stairclimber, poses with his plaque and Principal Diane Sutton.

    Liam Warren, Edison Elementary School, 1st grade

    "Liam is working hard to manage his emotions and behavior in the classroom.  He tries hard to do what is asked of him.  He is kind and respectful to his classmates.  He uses coping strategies and takes his academic work seriously.  He is a good example to his peers and makes me proud every day!" 


    Mariyan Wieczorek,, Jefferson's Decemeber Stairclimber, poses with school staff and her award.

    Mariyan Wieczorek, Jefferson Elementary School, Pre-Kindergarten

    "We would like to nominate Mariyan for the Stairclimber Award in recognition of the tremendous progress she has made in several key areas. Over the past few months, Mariyan has shown significant improvement in transitioning between activities, playing cooperatively with her peers, and following directions with increasing independence. Her growth in these areas is a testament to her hard work, perseverance, and positive attitude. We are incredibly proud of her accomplishments and excited to see her continue to thrive!"


    Zachary Karr, JoAnna Connell Elementary School, 3rd grade (not pictured)

    "Zachary works hard each day to pay attention to instruction and try his best. He is kind and compassionate to his classmates. He is also eager to learn and consistently participates in our lessons. Zach keeps his desk organized and is willing to help others do the same. Zachary displays Connell's SWPBIS expectations each day too- be respectful, be responsible, and be safe! We are so proud of Zach's work ethic and kindess to others at school."

    Elayna Mosco, East Middle School, 7th grade (not pictured)
    "Elayna is a hard worker. She often displays being ready, responsible and respectful within the classroom where she can frequently be found helping out her teachers and her peers! She has developed into a student leader and is involved in many extracurricular activities! As a leader she is frequently encouraging her friends to do the right thing and displays a positive attitude toward learning and trying new things!"

    DaYawna Thompson, Eagle's Nest Program of Academic Distinction, 8th grade (not pictured)

    "DaYawna Thompson is new to the Eagle's Nest School. The beginning of her journey here was a little rocky. She was not giving her all in class and she had some behavior challenges. We knew she could do so much better than she was and encouraged her to do her best. The teachers have seen an amazing turnaround with her academic performance and behavior. DaYawna received the Stick-to-it award for the 1st quarter in the 8th grade girls' class. Way to SOAR higher DaYawna."