- Erie's Public Schools
- Stairclimbers 2022-2023 school year
- November 2022 Stairclimbers
Erie's Public Schools Student Stairclimber Awards
Erie's Public Schools strives to always celebrate the success of our students. As part of that initiative, the Stairclimber Award is presented monthly at regular School Board meetings (from October through May) to one student from each building, recognizing their tenacity, grit and perseverance toward making improvements in their ABC's -- Attendance, Behavior and Classroom Performance.
The EPS Stairclimber Award, which stems from PA School Climate Data feedback and Strategic Plan Survey results, supports our district-wide movement of School-Wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (SWPBIS).
Meet our November 2022 Stairclimbers!
Safaya Aladinova, Harding Elementary School, 5th grade
"Safaya Aladinova is a conscientious student who always tries her best. She goes above and beyond what is asked. She quietly helps students not only with the academic work, but she tries to include those students that may get left out. She is here every day ready and willing to learn. "
Charles Anaya, Perry Elementary School, 4th grade
"Charles is one of the best nominees for the Stairclimber award from Perry Elementary. He takes his learning seriously and tries his hardest even when the work may be challenging at times. The amount of effort he has put forth in this school year is so impressive that he has all A's and B's in all his classes. Charles is resilient, dedicated, and such a charismatic person. He is the kind of student that leaves an unforgettable impression with both students and staff members. I believe Charles has such a bright future, and we, at Perry, can't wait to see what the future holds for him!"
Jerrico Beason, Erie High School, 9th grade
"Jerrico has been an amazing student all year. He had several behavior events last year, but is a model student this year. We are very proud of him."
Kyleon Bethea, McKinley Elementary School, 5th grade
"Kyleon is a Stairclimber because he consistently demonstrates respectful, responsible and safe behavior. He is a leader in our class and consistently follows the rules and expectations of the school and classroom."
Savana Gailey, JoAnna Connell Elementary School, 4th grade
"Savana is an enthusiastic learner who enjoys school. She is courteous and demonstrates good manners."
Aya Hasryeh, Diehl Elementary School, 5th grade
"Aya is new to Diehl Elementary School this year. She is an English language learner who is fluent in Arabic. Aya is a very hard worker. She takes great pride in her work and is always wanting to do extra work. She continues to strive to improve her English language skills and her academics. In addition to being a responsible student, she is also very respectful towards her peers and teachers. Aya will reach out to help others in her classroom."
Aiden Herbert, Strong Vincent Middle School, 6th grade
"Abraham Lincoln once said, 'The most RELIABLE way to predict your future is to create it.' At a young age, Aiden Herbert understands the meaning behind these words more than most. From attending every special help night -- five days a week -- to putting his best efforts into each and every assignment, his teachers fondly refer to him as 'Mr. Reliable.' If you need an example of a middle schooler making the most out of his education, look no further than Strong Vincent's Aiden Herbert. With courage, he conquers."Jaila Jordan, Lincoln Elementary School, 5th grade
"Jane Goodall said, 'What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.' This year, Jaila has decided to make a positive impact as a leader at Lincoln by improving her behavior and by respecting others. She has been a role model by solving problems the right way. She has been using kind words and actions with her peers. We are proud of the difference she has chosen to make at Lincoln."
Emma Lijewski, Pfeiffer-Burleigh Elementary School, Kindergarten
"Emma began the school year as a very shy, quiet girl. She struggled to attend lunch and related arts classes and would often panic and begin crying when it came time to leave the classroom. At recess, Emma would sit on the bench and watch her friends play every day. Over the past few weeks, Emma has completely opened up and is a shining star! She no longer wears headphones at lunch, she sits down at the table on her own, and she looks forward to attending related arts. You can find Emma at the top of the slide or running around with her friends on the playground now, too. I am so happy that Emma is enjoying her time at Pfeiffer-Burleigh every day!"
Mark Mitchell Jr., Northwest Pennsylvania Collegiate Academy, 9th grade
"Mark had a rough start to the year in Research, but he has completely turned things around. He has regularly attended Freshman Transition Team sessions during lunch, and through effort and dedication, he has caught up with all of his work. He has demonstrated how hard work can lead to success. He also represents his class as one of the freshman vice presidents. Mark has truly embraced Collegiate Academy's credo of pride, honor and respect."
Badar Moradi, Grover Cleveland Elementary School, 3rd grade
"Badar Moradi has near perfect attendance and has done very well with major behavior issues. In the beginning of the year Badar would speak out without raising his hand. His teacher has worked very hard on classroom expectations with the support of our newly implemented SWPBIS program. Badar is now the model of appropriate behavior. When a question is asked, he patiently waits with his hand raised. Badar is a fine example of the positive impact of the PAWSitive attitude here at Grover Cleveland."
Denaro Russell, Jefferson Elementary School, 2nd grade
"Denaro has come so far this year in second grade. He is learning how to control his emotions and focus on his academics. His reading and math skills are improving daily. I am really proud of his hard work."
Lincoln Start, Edison Elementary School, Kindergarten
"It is said 'the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.' Lincoln is taking important steps at the beginning of his educational career. He is polite and helpful to others in our classroom. He is an example of positive behavior and hard work in academics. Lincoln asks for help when he needs it and shows a desire to make choices that are best for his learning. Keep up the great work, Lincoln! We imagine you will continue to do great things as you continue to grow! "
Arihayonna Holman, Eagle's Nest Program of Academic Distinction, 7th grade (Not pictured)
"Arihayonna always makes an effort in her class work. She is a student who is always on task during class."
Zamariona Santiago, East Middle School, 7th grade (Not pictured)
"Zamariona has been working to make positive improvements in her behavior at East for her 7th grade school year. Zamariona has significantly reduced the number of behavior referrals in comparison to last year by nearly eliminating behavior referrals this year. Zamariona is achieving all As and Bs and is excelling academically. Zamariona is at East each day on time ready to learn! It is our hope that Zamariona continues to make good choices, demonstrating what it means to be respectful, ready, and responsible each day, and continues to be a spectacular student leader at East Middle School! "
Sarina Simmons, Patrick J. DiPaolo Student Success Center at Emerson-Gridley, 5th grade (Not pictured)
"Sarina is an extremely hard worker. She has good grades and shows resiliency by always striving to do better. She is responsible by coming to lab every day, prepared and on time. She is always respectful to staff and peers. Sarina deserves recognition for being an outstanding student!"
Xavier Vera, Wilson Middle School, 7th grade (Not pictured)
"Xavier has improved tremendously from last year. He has not been seen in the office for behavior issues and has had his grades rise drastically from last year. He has had a positive mindset and has made Wilson a better place."