Jefferson Elementary is a neighborhood elementary school located in Erie Pennsylvania. We currently enroll close to 600 students in Kindergarten though grade 5.
Jefferson employs 32 dedicated and experienced classroom teachers, 3 special education teachers, art, music, and physical education teachers, and 2 School Wide Specialists who provide help in Reading and Math. We also have a school nurse, a guidance counselor, and a speech teacher.
Our focus is on caring and respect for ourselves and others, striving for academic success, and pursuing educational and personal development.
Our vision is to create a positive learning environment to educate all students effectively. Each student is expected to achieve at a high level of academic performance, function effectively in the community, and contribute to the broader society.
Check out fun games to play under the "Our School" Tab!
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! Our Student Assistance Program (SAP) referral process has gone digital this school year. ANYONE can make a SAP referral by clicking here.. Students in need of support in mental health, academics, drug and alcohol, attendance, or any other needs can be referred by themselves, friends, teachers, nurse, teachers, counselors and any community member.
Please check out this video for a brief overview of the SAP process. What is SAP?