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    Erie's Public Schools Student Stairclimber Awards


    Erie's Public Schools strives to always celebrate the success of our students. As part of that initiative, the Stairclimber Award is presented monthly at regular School Board meetings (from October through May) to one student from each building, recognizing their tenacity, grit and perseverance toward making improvements in their ABC's -- Attendance, Behavior and Classroom Performance.

    The EPS Stairclimber Award, which stems from PA School Climate Data feedback and Strategic Plan Survey results, supports our district-wide movement of School-Wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (SWPBIS).



    Meet our November 2024 Stairclimbers!

    Yamen Al Daeif, Grover Cleveland's Stairclimber for November, poses with his plaque.
    Yamen Al Daeif, Grover Cleveland Elementary School, 4th grade
    "Yamen has shown tremendous growth this school year. In previous years, Yamen showed little interest in learning and did not want to attend school. Since Yamen's return to the country, he has not missed any school! Yamen comes to school each day ready to learn. He is motivated to get good grades and has been participating in class. He is even attending tutoring! I am so proud of the huge strides Yamen has taken to improve his overall school experience. I enjoy working with Yamen and I'm excited to continue to see his growth!"


    Alondra Becerra, Pfeiffer-Burleigh's November Stairclimber, poses with her plaque.

    Alondra Becerra, Pfeiffer-Burleigh Elementary School, 2nd grade

    "Alondra has made huge improvements from last year. This year she comes to class on time everyday ready to learn. She loves to help others and her teacher.  She is a positive role model to her peers and younger students."


    DaVinchi Harris, Strong Vincent's Stairclimber for November, poses with his plaque.  

    DaVinchi Harris, Strong Vincent Middle School, 6th grade

    "Transitioning into middle school can be a tough adjustment, but Strong Vincent's November Stairclimber has made it look like a breeze. His positive attitude, drive, and determination have made him a fan favorite amongst all his teachers. He's focused in his classes and is TRULY ENGAGED with his schoolwork. The Colonels are proud to recognize DaVINCHI HARRIS as this month's STAIRCLIMBER. With courage, he conquers."


    Dercy Iriho, Perry's Stairclimber for November, poses with his plaque and school staff.

    Dercy Iriho, Perry Elementary School, 3rd grade

    "Dercy Iriho has been selcted by our faculty for the Perry Stair Climber Award. He is new to the district and came all the way from Uganda. Dercy is such a leader. He is so responsible and eager to learn even when things are out of his comfort zone. He is always ready for the challenge. We are very proud of his progress this school year. His teacher absolutely loves having him in class. His future is so bright!"


    Malak Kanbar, Diehl's November Stairclimber, poses with her plaque and a school staff member.

    Malak Kanbar, Diehl Elementary School, 5th grade

    "I am proud to nominate Malak Kanbar as a Stairclimber for Diehl Elementary. There are times when students enter your classroom and you see their future before they can. Malak is one of those. She will excel in any path she chooses and she has been a shining light in our 5th grade classroom. She is a joy to teach and I am continuously proud of her.  Malak works hard and is focused, she exemplifies Diehl’s motto of “Be Responsible, Be Respectful, and Be Safe”. She goes above and beyond with her academics every day, and is a phenomenal role model to all around her. Malak also won the poster contest for the Caring Place for Diehl School. We are all super proud of her.  If there are any type of obstacles in her way, she brings 100% positivity to anything she faces. Her inquisitiveness and wonder are welcomed in our room and I hope she never stops asking questions. I know she will keep these ideals with her for the rest of her academic career and I can’t wait to see what career path she chooses.  I am very proud of Malak. I hope she continues on this path of excellence."


    Zy'Aier Kimbrough, McKinley's November Stairclimber, poses with his plaque.

    Zy'Aier Kimbrough, McKinley Elementary School, 5th grade

    "Zy'Aier has shown tremendous growth from K to 5th grade. He has grown from a 2nd grader who used to earn breaks for following expectations to a responsible, hard-working 5th grader who is now a Captain and setting the example for others to follow. He receives compliments from other staff who have noticed the positive changes he has worked so hard to make. We are incredibly proud of him!"


     Keith McGhee, Harding's November Stairclimber, poses with his plaque and school staff.

    Keith McGhee, Harding Elementary School, 5th grade

    "Harding School nominates Keith McGhee for our November Stairclimber.  Keith has made huge strides since the beginning of the year.  He is becoming more respectful each day and trying his best to stay out of any nonsense.  His work ethic has really improved.  He does his work and works very well in a group setting.  Keith volunteers and is always offering to help in the classroom.  He is a sweet boy who has an amazing personality and sense of humor.  We are so proud of Keith!"


    Anthony Morales, Collegiate's November Stairclimber, poses with a school staff member and his plaque.

    Anthony Morales, Northwest Pennsylvania Collegiate Academy, 11th grade

    "I am recommending Anthony Morales for the Stairclimber Award. Anthony is in his junior year at Collegiate. Anthony exemplifies determination and growth. Throughout the year, he has consistently demonstrated an unwavering commitment to overcoming academic challenges with a positive attitude and strong work ethic. Anthony has shown great improvement in social maturity since freshman year. He is always inspiring his peers and has a smile on his face."


    Stephen Thompson, Jr., Lincoln's November Stairclimber, poses with his plaque.

    Stephen Thompson Jr., Lincoln Elementary School, 5th grade 

    "Stephen has worked very hard this year and is showing role-model behavior in 5th grade. Over the years, Stephen has grown tremendously in his behavior. This year he has zero office referrals. We are very proud of Stephen and the progress he has made. We know that he will continue to be an amazing leader as he moves to middle school and beyond. Way to R.O.A.R., Steph!"

    Jose Torres-Rosado, Erie High's November Stairclimber, poses with his plaque and Principal Don Orlando.
    Jesus Torres-Rosario, Erie High School, 10th grade
    "Jesus is receiving this award in recognition of his progress in attendance, behavior, and grades compared to last school year. Jesus has been a model student and a positive leader in the school this year. He is respectful, responsible, and resilient. We are all very proud of Jesus!"

    Jesus Vizcarrondo Jr., Wilson's November Stairclimber, poses with his plaque and school staff.

    Jesus Vizcarrondo, Wilson Middle School, 8th grade

    "Jesus shows up to class every day with a great attitude and is always fantastic with his participation in class. The student is engaged with course material and has been a positive influence to all. I see improvement even from the summer to now.  We are so happy with his progress and how he has grown up!"


    Leilani Wallace, Edison's Stairclimber for November, poses with her plaque.

    Leilani Wallace, Edison Elementary School, Kindergarten

    "Our Stairclimber this month reminds us that great things come in small packages! Leilani comes to school every day excited and ready to learn. She goes out of her way  to help others, especially new students, like our new classmate who doesn't speak English. Leilani has been using picture cards to assist her friend in staying on track, showing incredible patience and kindness. She consistently puts others before herself, demonstrating a level of responsibility and empathy that is remarkable for a kindergartner. "

    Mohammad Al Balkhi, Jefferson Elementary School, 3rd grade (not pictured)

    "Mohammad ... has shown tremendous growth towards communicating with his peers and in his academics. He is able to get his work tasks done as well as engage in fun social activities with his classmates. Mohammad's classmates think that he is funny and they enjoy being able to communicate with him in the classroom." 

    Angelina Crockett, East Middle School, 8th grade (not pictured)

    "Angelina has been a leader in the classroom since the beginning of the year. She can often be found helping out staff and students in her classroom as well as other in the building. Angelina personifies the 3R's of being Responsible, Respectful and Ready and we are proud to call her a Warrior. Great job Angelina!"

     Jazara Mooney, JoAnna Connell Elementary School, 2nd grade (not pictured)

    "Jazara shows up every day ready to learn! She is wonderful to have in class, she works hard, helps her peers, and is a true Connell Cougar. This is just the start to a wonderful school career in Erie's Public Schools."

    Jasmine Osiecki, Patrick J. DiPaolo Student Success Center at Emerson Gridley/Erie's Public Schools Cyber Choice Academy, 6th grade (not pictured)

    "She is new to the program this year and has displayed our traits of being respectful, responsible, and resilient. She attends lab consistently, has passing grades in every subject, logs back onto her computer when she goes home to complete assignments, helps in the classroom, and is respectful to her peers and teachers." 

    Layvie Todd, Eagle's Nest Program of Academic Distinction, 6th grade (not pictured)

    "Layvie began his time at Eagle's Nest feeling more like he didn't want to be there and really wanted to be at East MS with his friend, etc. After a couple weeks at Eagle's Nest, Layvie began struggling a bit and seeking negative attention from peers and staff. After working together as a team, Layvie, his parents, the teachers, the administrators, and Bishop Brock, we have seen an amazing turnaround in his behavior and academic performance. Congratulations, Layvie, way to Scholarly SOAR like an Eagle."