- Erie's Public Schools
- Stairclimbers 2020-2021 school year
- February 2021 Stairclimbers
Erie's Public Schools Student Stairclimber Awards
Erie's Public Schools strives to always celebrate the success of our students. As part of that initiative, the Stairclimber Award is presented monthly at regular School Board meetings (from October through May) to one student from each building, recognizing their tenacity, grit and perseverance toward making improvements in their ABC's -- Attendance, Behavior and Classroom Performance.
The EPS Stairclimber Award, which stems from PA School Climate Data feedback and Strategic Plan Survey results, supports our district-wide movement of School-Wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (SWPBIS).
Meet our February 2021 Stairclimbers!
Caiden Makay, Patrick J. DiPaolo Student Success Center, 6th grade
"The middle school cyber team would like to recognize Caiden Makay for his outstanding work on the Edgenuity platform. Caiden exhibits a positive outlook and attitude towards learning. Caiden is empathetic and thoughtful while working with students and teachers on Zoom. Caiden's drive to learn and work hard is unmatched. Keep up the great work Caiden!"
Jhani Curlett, Erie High School, 10th grade
"This quarter, Jhani Curlett is on the ball. She attends class regularly. She asks for help and stays for extra help. Jhani consistently asks what she can do to improve her grade, and then she does it. I'm so proud of how far she has come."
Ja'Zarion Paul, East Middle School, 6th grade
"We would like to nominate Ja'Zarion Paul as our Stairclimber. He displays great attendance and grades, is driven to succeed and always has a positive attitude with a constant smile. Ja'Zarion's rapport with students and teachers is always exceptional. Ja'Zarion makes virtual teaching very rewarding and we admire his ability to overcome the adversity of learning in a virtual environment and make the best of every situation."
Luther Barnett, Jr., Wilson Middle School, 8th grade
"Luther contributes regularly to his classes, participates constructively, has excellent attendance, and has improved his 2nd Quarter grades in every class by at least one full letter grade from the 1st Quarter...Bravo Luther!"
Adeline Martz, Grover Cleveland Elementary School, 3rd grade
"Adeline has received many positive office referrals for 1st and 2nd quarters. She has been doing an excellent job with her remote learning and has only been absent 1 day."
Tazyiah Johnson, Diehl Elemetary School, 4th grade
From Taziyah's teacher, Mrs. LaKari: "I would like to nominate Tazyiah because of her outstanding work ethic. She is prompt for every meeting and every lesson. She is prepared and make good use of her time. Her outstanding growth from the beginning of the year until now is evidence of her hard work and her dedication to being a successful student. She has shown significant growth on both her reading and math middle of the year benchmarks. Tazyiah is a bubbly, bright young lady. She always asks questions if she is confused and always tries her very best on all activities. She helps and encourages all students. She is a pleasure to have in class and I can't wait to see her smile, in person, on February 1st. She is a wonderful leader and I am proud of her."
Arianna Al-Saad, Edison Elementary School, 4th grade
"Arianna is committed and compassionate. She makes the most of each day's learning opportunities and encourages her classmates and siblings along the way. She is an amazing young person and a joy to be around. Keep it up, Arianna!"
Gavin Goda, Harding Elementary School, 5th grade
"Gavin puts forth great effort everyday and keeps trying even when he gets frustrated."
Tareek Hanner, Lincoln Elementary School, 3rd grade
"Tareek has tremendously improved his grades, behavior and classroom participation. We are so very proud of him and pray that this continues. Fantastic Tareek...Keep up the good work."
Se'maj Thomas, Perry Elementary School, 1st grade
"Se'maj is always present during his zoom sessions and is ready to learn. When I ask him how he is doing each morning his reply is always 'Great!' Se'maj's focus and attitude towards learning has greatly improved since starting kindergarten last year. This has allowed him to excel in both mathematics and language arts. He now completes all of his work with a positive attitude and is actively involved in the classroom activities."
Seimyah Rotunda, Pfeiffer-Burleigh Elementary School, 1st grade
"Seimyah works hard every day even amid chaos and distractions. She not only participates and tries her very best, she is simultaneously helping her grandmother after hip surgery. It's not unusual to see Seimyah mopping the floor while still listening and participating. She also is often seen holding her young nephew while learning. Seimyah has a heart of gold and wants to be a teacher when she grows up. She shows responsibility beyond her years. She is so deserving of recognition for her hard work and tenacity."
Sarah Deimel, NWPA Collegiate Academy, 12th grade (not pictured)
"Sarah has stepped up for the Academic Decathlon team by working hard to improve her score by 491 points from competition 1 to competition 2, therefore helping secure a first and second place finish. Additionally, this year Sarah has become the vocal leader for the team. She has encouraged others to communicate with each other and has initiated team bonding."
Makenzie Buck, Strong Vincent Middle School, 6th grade (not pictured)
"Mackenzie is an online star in the world of remote learning. We're impressed with her stellar attendance, outstanding contributions during class, and positive attitude. She's also the number one sixth grade student in the IREADY math program. She IS VINCENT STRONG - NO MATTER THE DISTANCE."
Tarence Noble, Jr., JoAnna Connell Elementary School, 4th grade (not pictured)
"Tarence is a wonderful young man who has made considerable improvement since the beginning of the year. Remote instruction has not been easy, however, Tarence has taken it upon himself to initiate regular meetings with his teacher to monitor his own academic growth and progress. While the first few weeks were a challenge, Tarence has shown that hard work, a positive attitude, and perserverance pays off!"
Mustafa Suliman, Jefferson Elementary School, 1st grade (not pictured)
"Mustafa has improved from the beginning of the quarter. He coming to school and really working hard. Mustafa follow directions and has improved the quality of his work. Ms. Gress is very proud of Mustafa!"
Miracle Brown, McKinley Elementary School, 5th grade (not pictured)
"She has been working so hard to improve her reading and math skills. Miracle comes to school everyday ready and excited to learn. She has a great family that is very supportive and involved."
Congratulations to our EPS Student Stairclimbers!