- Erie's Public Schools
- Stairclimbers 2021-2022 school year
- March 2022 Stairclimbers
Erie's Public Schools Student Stairclimber Awards
Erie's Public Schools strives to always celebrate the success of our students. As part of that initiative, the Stairclimber Award is presented monthly at regular School Board meetings (from October through May) to one student from each building, recognizing their tenacity, grit and perseverance toward making improvements in their ABC's -- Attendance, Behavior and Classroom Performance.
The EPS Stairclimber Award, which stems from PA School Climate Data feedback and Strategic Plan Survey results, supports our district-wide movement of School-Wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (SWPBIS).
Meet our March 2022 Stairclimbers!
Hasan Alaliwi, Jefferson Elementary School, 3rd grade
"Hasan has made a lot of progress so far this school year. ... He is doing a great job following directions and being ready to learn. He loves to help his teachers and friends. He is a hard worker and takes his time when completing his work. We are so proud of the good choices he has been making! '"
Yousef Alhamoud, East Middle School, 7th grade
"Yousef has made improvements in progress in ELA, and classroom participation. Yousef makes a great effort to not only be on task in class but to be engaged in classroom learning. Yousef's teachers report that he is always helpful and kind to both students and staff and they have enjoyed watching him grown and mature in class. Yousef has done a great job attending school each day and had nearly perfect attendance in January and February Yousef has shown his Warrior POWER and often has positive interactions with staff and peers in the building."
Silver Atupenda, McKinley Elementary School, 1st grade
"Silver Atupenda is a first grader at McKinley Elementary School and he is one of the kindest and most sincere students in the first grade. He has the most positive attitude about everything. Silver will often go out of his way to help a classmate or an adult in the building who needs it. Even as a first grader, he knows that his actions are just as important as his words. If a friend is needing a little pick-me-up, Silver is their buddy. Silver will give a hug or a smile or some words of encouragement to make everybody's day just a little bit better. It is an honor to have SIlver at McKinley. He makes us better everyday. We are so very proud of Silver and everything he does as a McKinley Mariner."
Tara'ji Barney, Edison Elementary School, 5th grade
"Tara'ji is a pleasure to know and be around. She is helpful to adults, classmates, and her younger siblings each and every day. Additionally, Tara'ji has improved her academic grades from the first quarter to the second quarter. Keep up the great work, Tara'ji - we are proud of you!"
Anessa Cohick, JoAnna Connell Elementary School, Kindergarten
"Anessa is a sweet, caring little girl. She has worked hard since the first day of Kindergarten and is well on her way to becoming benchmark or advanced on her DIBELS and on iready. On iready, she is working on 1st grade skills. She is always willing to help other students who are struggling. She is eager to learn new things even if it is difficult. Definitely intrinsically motivated to do her best."
Abby Connor, Perry Elementary School, Kindergarten
"Abby Connor has been chosen from Mrs. Bayhurst's Kindergarten classroom as February's Stairclimber. Abby has shown great improvement in her everyday efforts in all aspects of following classroom routines and completing her schoolwork. She is kind, thoughtful and helpful to everyone in the school. Her heart overflows with love. Abby puts forth 100% effort into all classroom expectations. She has a desire to learn as much as she can. She concentrates her efforts on accomplishing her goals every day. Her smile lights up the room. Abby is a true joy to teach. I am very proud of who she is and the efforts she puts into learning every day!"
Cela Fatuma, Diehl Elementary School, 2nd grade
"Cela Fatuma is a second grader at Diehl Elementary School. When I heard about the Stairclimber, my thoughts went immediately to her. She is the kind of student that will ask those questions, do the extra work, and take the extra time, so that her work is not just good; it is exceptional! Cela, through her hard work and dedication, has gone from below benchmark, at the beginning of the year, to benchmark on her DIBELS assessments, and has also shown considerable growth on her iReady diagnostic. Cela’s determination is not just shown in her academics, but in her upstanding character. She is always setting a good example by being respectful to her teachers and her classmates, and responsible in all that she is involved in throughout the day. In short, she is a wonderful student, and I am very proud of her accomplishments in such a short amount of time! Way to go Cela!"
Arihayonna Holm, Eagle's Nest Program of Academic Distinction, 6th grade
"Arihayonna has shown exceptional growth socially and academically. She has shown herself to be a leader in her own quiet way and is a good friend to her classmates."
Ceonna Jordan, Strong Vincent Middle School, 8th grade
"Wayne Trotman once said, "The most successful people in life are also the most reliable." Coincidentally, when asked to describe this month's Stairclimber in one word...without hesitation...her teacher said, "RELIABLE". Ceonna Jordan has not only grown academically this year - - she's made tremendous strides in her independence. Always willing to lend a hand to her teachers and friends...Ceonna shows CLASS in all she does. With courage, she conquers."
Key'von Kent, Pfeiffer-Burleigh Elementary School, 5th grade
"Over the last few months I have seen such a positive change in Key'von. His attendance is much improved from the beginning of the year. He is a joy to watch work and to work with. We love watching his wheels spin as he tackles math problems on his own or listening to him talk about what he's just read. I love seeing his confidence continue to grow as he is reminded of how smart he is and what he is capable of. He doesn't give up even when he is frustrated. He asks questions and continues to participate even when he gets a wrong answer. He even received the BUG award for 2nd quarter. Furthermore, Key'von actively keeps himself away from negativity. I cannot remember the last time I saw him follow a negative lead. I see him continuing to be friends with everyone because he has the kindest soul, and instead of following the negative behaviors of others, I've seen him make choices that continue to lift him up to be the best version of himself - a true role model. Everyone at PB is so proud of Key'von. He is very deserving of this award!"
Zahir Knight, Wilson Middle School, 8th grade
"Zahir is in school daily and kind to all adults that he passes by. He is in school regularly and works hard to maintain and improve his grades. He is a pleasure to be around for anyone who comes in contact with him."
Maquil Randall, Lincoln Elementary School, 5th grade
"Maqil has made such progress this year. He genuinely is interested in learning and always participating in class. His hand is always up to share in reading and in math."
Mason Wilcox, Harding Elementary School, 2nd grade
"Mason comes in each morning ready to work and try his best. Mason has good attendance and is here on time every day! Mason now enjoys participating in class activities. He even inserts himself without prompting from teachers. During the first few weeks of school, classroom staff struggled to get Mason to join in without non-compliance behaviors. Mason uses a communicative device to help him talk. At the beginning of the year, Mason would not request anything on his communicative device without staff prompting him. He has become so efficient he can now say a sentence using five words independently! Mason has excelled in academics, behavior, social skills, and independence. He is a joy to teach and would honor Harding School well with this award!"
Cleavon Wright, Grover Cleveland Elementary School, 4th grade
"Cleavon has made significant improvements in his conduct and attitude this year. He is a positive role model and is always helping others. Younger students and his peers look up to him and he is active in the Anchor after-school program. Cleavon improved his oral reading fluency by 100% and improved his iReady by 254%! He is dedicated to working hard and making improvements. He is a fine example of a student ambassador for Grover Cleveland. If the school had a mayor, it would be him. We are so proud of his accomplishments and look forward to seeing what his future holds."
Eric Cui, Northwest Pennsylvania Collegiate Academy, 11th grade (not pictured)
"Eric worked with another student to design and set up a coding class in Java for elementary students and middle school students. In AP computer science, he gladly assists other students on their programs when asked. "
Mikell Mills, Erie High School, 11th grade (not pictured)
"Mikell Mills has greatly improved both his attendance and behavior. This is tremendous progress to see him improving since the beginning of the school year. Congratulations, Mikell -- way to be Royal!"
Jaxon Simpson, Patrick J. DiPaolo Student Success Center, 1st grade (not pictured)
"Our Stairclimber nominee is First Grader Jaxon Simpson. Jaxon is in the first grade at Erie Cyber Choice Academy and is excelling. Jaxon always has a smile on his face! Jaxon has perfect attendance, always completes assignments on time and attends all his assigned Class Connect sessions. He is a great helper and always willing to answer questions. His positive attitude and his eagerness to learn is refreshing. There is no doubt that he is a positive role model for his classmates and is deserving of the Stairclimber award."