- Erie's Public Schools
- Stairclimbers 2022-2023 school year
- December 2022 Stairclimbers
Erie's Public Schools Student Stairclimber Awards
Erie's Public Schools strives to always celebrate the success of our students. As part of that initiative, the Stairclimber Award is presented monthly at regular School Board meetings (from October through May) to one student from each building, recognizing their tenacity, grit and perseverance toward making improvements in their ABC's -- Attendance, Behavior and Classroom Performance.
The EPS Stairclimber Award, which stems from PA School Climate Data feedback and Strategic Plan Survey results, supports our district-wide movement of School-Wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (SWPBIS).
Meet our December 2022 Stairclimbers!
Daniel Austin, Diehl Elementary School, 4th grade
"Daniel has shown great improvement at Diehl this year. He follows our three expectations of being safe respectful, and responsible. Daniel's attendance has improved and he has shown tremendous growth on his iReady My Path. Most importantly, Daniel is enjoying school. He is an active participant in class and is becoming a leader among his classmates. Way to go, Daniel! You make Diehl PROUD!"
Roosevelt Benjamin, Harding Elementary School, 5th grade
"Roosevelt Benjamin is Harding's choice for this month's Stairclimber. The care with which he guides our littles in the building to the bus truly gives us hope for his generation. He also shows integrity with peers being a positive influence when at his age many choose the latter. He is mature beyond his age."
Dara'ja Brown, Erie High School, 9th grade
"Dara'ja has been a model student this school year. Her grades, behavior and attendance have all improved since last school year. Dara'ja has been respectful, responsible and resilient. We are all very proud of her. She has been a great member of our Royal community."
Faith Czuwara, Pfeiffer-Burleigh Elementary School, 4th grade
"Faith has been doing an amazing job academically and behaviorally. She has shown a lot of growth in her academic efforts and interacting with her classmates. She works very hard during math groups, and is the star of the group. She participates and helps others, and is always respectful. She was even selected and is now certified to be a peer mediator. She transitions from Mrs. Swanson's and Mr. Stellwagen's rooms for certain subjects, and follows the expectations in both spaces. I have not had to prompt her even 1 time to complete her independent work. We are so proud of her!"
Serenity Guelledge, Eagle's Nest Program of Academic Distinction, 6th grade
"Serenity is being honored for her hard work and dedication to her education, peers, and school. Serenity is a beautiful and bright young woman that demonstrates brilliance, kindness, generosity, and selflessness. Over the past few months, Serenity has come out of her shell and shown more confidence as a scholar, leader and a wonderful friend."
Owen Hartleb, Strong Vincent Middle School, 6th grade
"To sum up Strong Vincent's STAIRCLIMBER in two words - it's PURE JOY. Owen Hartleb is the kind of learner teachers hope to have in their classrooms. Owen - we see how hard you're working and how you refuse to give up. You're taking full advantage of everything middle school has to offer - - - and you're rocking it! All of your teachers and principals are cheering for you every step of the way! With courage, he conquers."
Andraya Hnderson, Wilson Middle School, 6th grade
"Andraya Henderson is an enthusiastic learner who consistently displays a positive outlook and attitude in the classroom. The teachers and students can always rely on her to brighten their day with her infectious smile. She has also shown great growth in her grades and behaviors since last school year. We are so incredibly proud of your hard work each day, Andraya!"Xavier Hodges, Lincoln Elementary School, 3rd grade
"Xavier has truly shown growth academically and also socially and emotionally. Xavier is able to express himself in an appropriate manner. He has learned techniques to calm himself in a school setting and is a leader and role model in his classroom. Xavier is focused and completes all academic tasks. He is recalling information and making those connections within the curriculum. Xavier is kind and funny and always willing to help anyone at any time. We know he will continue to shine and be a Lincoln Lion Leader!"
Tara Hoxha, Perry Elementary School, 3rd grade
"Tara Hoxha is a great Perry student. She is always safe, responsible and respectful. Tara is conscientious, hardworking, and kind. Tara puts 100% into everything she does. She helps other students in school that have difficulties without being asked to do so. She is an honor student, and her hard work and determination is paying off in the classroom. She is a true leader and always strives to do her best. Tara’s dream is to be an emergency room doctor and I believe there is no doubt she will accomplish this goal! Tara also had a perfect attendance in the first quarter. I am honored to be her teacher. Tara ALWAYS makes Perry proud."
Davon McLaurin, Edison Elementary School, 4th grade
"Someone once said, 'Change brings opportunity.' Our Stairclimber this month is enjoying expanded privileges and opportunities based on his changing behavior. Davon's teacher reports Davon comes to school every day with his needed materials. He sets an example in the hallways when passing by other classes/students. He helps other students within and outside our class when they need it. He participates regularly within the classroom. We look forward to seeing him every single day! Congratulations, Davon - we are SO proud of you and how much you have grown!"
Tanner Savage, JoAnna Connell Elementary School, 3rd grade
"Tanner had some difficulties last year and at the beginning of this school year. Since then, Tanner has stopped to think about his decisions, has been a better friend, and improved his peer interactions. He is also more confident, works well in a small group, and participates in class. Tanner embodies our Connell motto- be respectful, be responsible, be safe. We are very proud of the progress Tanner has made this year."
Kylie Stone, Grover Cleveland Elementary School, 2nd grade
"Kylie has been working very hard this year to be an outstanding Cougar! She has been selected as a Cool Cougar and has excelled in her school work. She did amazing on her 1st quarter report card. Her biggest improvemnet has been her attendance. She has struggled in the past but has made a huge improvement. She is a kind hearted young lady and strives to do her best on a daily basis. She is one Cool Cougar!"
Jasaria Delgado, Jefferson Elementary School, kindergarten (Not pictured)
"Jasaria is doing a great job learning letter sounds and blending words. She is also a great friend to the other students in our room. She loves to help anyone who needs help. She is doing an awesome job following classroom and school rules. I am so proud of her!"
Shauntiera Johnson, Northwest Pennsylvania Collegiate Academy, 9th grade (Not pictured)
"Shauntiera Johnson has worked very hard during the last month. She had significantly raised her math grades from the first quarter and she has been coming to extra help. She is doing a great job."
Aubree Merriam, Patrick J. DiPaolo Student Success Center at Emerson-Gridley, 6th grade (Not pictured)
"Aubree has started focusing and getting her work done. She has put in a lot of effort in the last month. Her grades have shown improvement and she is demonstrating resiliency every day!"
Dowan Overton Jr., East Middle School, 6th grade (Not pictured)
"Dowan is a pleasure to have in class, is always respectful to staff and peers as well as being in class and ready to learn each day. Dowan frequently demonstrates leadership and does not give into peer pressure to misbehave in the classroom. We are so proud of Dowan as he truly shows his Warrior Power!"
Damier Thompson, McKinley Elementary School, 4th grade (Not pictured)
"Damier has made tremendous progress in his academics and behavior. He has shown growth in math and reading. He attempts work independently, asks questions when he does not understand something, and tries is best in small group and partner activities. He comes to school with a smile on his face and is ready to learn. He is polite and takes pride in his accomplishments."