- Erie's Public Schools
- Stairclimbers 2020-2021 school year
- May 2021 Stairclimbers
Erie's Public Schools Student Stairclimber Awards
Erie's Public Schools strives to always celebrate the success of our students. As part of that initiative, the Stairclimber Award is presented monthly at regular School Board meetings (from October through May) to one student from each building, recognizing their tenacity, grit and perseverance toward making improvements in their ABC's -- Attendance, Behavior and Classroom Performance.
The EPS Stairclimber Award, which stems from PA School Climate Data feedback and Strategic Plan Survey results, supports our district-wide movement of School-Wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (SWPBIS).
Meet our May 2021 Stairclimbers!
John Hibbs, Patrick J. DiPaolo Student Success Center at Emerson-Gridley, 9th grade
"The High School Cyber teachers would like to nominate John Hibbs for the Stairclimber award. We believe that John deserves this award for his outstanding persistence in attending extra help open labs, open zoom hours, and maintaining attendance each week. While zooming with teachers, John can make every effort to learn, as well as create a fun environment and makes everyone laugh. He continues to work extremely hard on his classes, to the point where he completed all his freshman year's classes a full quarter sooner than required. He is now working on his sophomore year credits early! John does not give up when he is learning new material and will always reach out for help when he feels that he may not understand. We value these qualities in our cyber students because independent learning can be difficult, especially this year! John has gone above and beyond and has zoomed with all the cyber teachers in the program multiple times. Even during breaks, John is known to log on and work to catch up in classes that he may be behind in, or may struggle with in the upcoming week, so he has questions prepared. We are honored to nominate John Hibbs for the Stairclimber Award."
Dominic Caggiano, Erie High School, 12th grade
"Dominic Caggiano has raised his GPA dramatically. He attributes his academic improvement to a conscious decision to put down his phone and pay attention. Dominic says that once he did that, he actually understood the work and what needed to be done, which he consequently applied himself to accomplishing. Dominic also wants people to know that he loves the game of basketball, and while he’s something of a low key comedian, he also needs time to himself."
Tia Jain, NWPA Collegiate Academy, 11th grade
"Tia has been an invaluable member of the Samsung Solve for Tomorrow team for Collegiate Academy. While not seeking the spotlight, she has worked constantly in the background on multiple sub teams to ensure our success. She was the primary editor of our final script for our presentation, as well as an integral part of our communications team that teached out to members of the community. We can attribute a great deal of our success to Tia Jain."
Angel Pagan, East Middle School, 6th grade
"East Middle School would like to nominate Angel Pagan as their stariclimber for the month of May. Angel has shown major improvements in each class as he has been focusing more on his academics in person. As a team, we can always count on Angel for giving us his full and honest effort while participating in class activities. Angel's attendance and behavior has also improved seeing that he is less distracted in person compared to online. He kindly helps others in his class, follows our power matrix well, and truly is a pleasure to have in class."
Alexandria Bucci, Strong Vincent Middle School, 7th grade
"The Colonels of Strong Vincent are proud to recognize ALEXANDRIA BUCCI as our May Stairclimber. Bright, witty, engaged, humble - - Alexandria has her eyes set on her future.Her work ethic and dedication to her academics impresses everyone around her. Don't let her quiet demeanor fool you - - she'll be an award winning actress one day. Alexandria - YOU ARE VINCENT STRONG....NO MATTER THE DISTANCE!"
Zakiyah Gamble, Wilson Middle School, 6th grade
"Zakiyah had a little bit of a rough start to the school year, but has really worked hard for several straight quarters now and we are proud of her efforts. She has made great progress on her academics and goals from the beginning of the year through the 4th quarter. Zakiyah has never given up and she continued to put her full effort into her work even when the work was challenging. Way to go Zakiyah!!"
Jeriel Pagan, Grover Cleveland Elementary School, 3rd grade
"Jeriel is an excellent student. He has demonstrated a great attitude and completes all of his assignments. He is the first student to sign on virtually. He participates daily and isn't afraid to ask for help in order for him to succeed. We are so proud of his improvements this year! He is friendly and maintains a positive attitude."
Fatma Kari, JoAnna Connell Elementary School, 2nd grade
"JoAnna Connell is proud to recognize Fatma Kari as our May Stairclimber! Virtual learning has presented a few challenges for Fatma at the beginning of the year, however, the past two quarters have shown exactly what a hard working student she is and what can be accomplished when you put forth the effort and try your best ! Fatma has improved tremendously and her 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Klapsinos, shares her work ethic and perserverence makes her a stand out student. Your Connell family is all so very proud of you, Fatma!"
Alexander Pelc, Edison Elementary School, 2nd grade
"Alex comes to school each day with a smile on his face and curosity in his mind...He greets all whom he passes as he enters the school and encourages others to wonder and dream. We are grateful to have Alex with us at Edison!"
Sari Alhamawi, Harding Elementary School, 2nd grade
"Sari has been very focused during classes since the return to in-person learning. He volunteers to read and answer questions often. He completes his homework more consistently now, also. His attendance has greatly improved since we have returned to in-person learning. We are so proud of Sari and the effort he shows each day."
Luchiano Birchfield, Jefferson Elementary School, 5th grade
"Luchiano is a wonderful student. He comes to school everyday and is eager to learn. He is kind to all of his peers and is always willing to help others that are in need. He has demonstrated a lot of progress this school year in his reading and math skills. When presented with a change in routine or schedule (ex. in person to remote learning), he handles the transition well and easily adapts. He is a leader in our classroom and sets a positive example for all of his classmates. I am so lucky to work with him this school year!"
Rashaud Washington, Lincoln Elementary School, 4th grade
"We are so very proud of Rashaud. He has improved in Reading and Math this year. We are elated to have him back in person learning. He has a kind heard and eager to help others. He's been a good friend to his classmates and a great big brother to his siblings. Fantastic Rashaud. We are so proud of you. Love your Lincoln family."
Daveyon Spencer, McKinley Elementary School, 5th grade
"Daveyon has put forth much effort to meet both his Math and Reading goals. He was worked hard on self-regulating his emotions which, in turn, has helped him form better relationships with his peers. Daveyon is very respectful towards both staff and students, and he is becoming a role model of the McKinley expectations for those around him We are so proud of his dedication and progress!"
Andrias Horton, Jr., Perry Elementary School, 4th grade
"Andrias started year with some trepidation but has adjusted well. His attendance is great! He consistently gets his work finished, works well in small groups and in-person. He is respectful of his classmates and teachers. He has a wonderful sense of humor as well."
Edward Serafini, Pfeiffer-Burleigh Elementary School, 5th grade
"Edward has worked really hard to improve his behavior each day at school! Edward has requested (on his own) for the teacher to remove his desk so he is able to remain engaged during instruction and yet requests his desk when he feels it's needed. Edward has been using a yoga ball to sit on during the day to help keep him engaged in learning and classroom discussions. Edward has utilized a heavy blanket and stress ball, to calm himself down and self-regulate. Edward has also been verbalizing to his teachers when he needs a break or go for a walk to calm himself down. Edward has come a long way in using his coping skills and self-regulation strategies to be successful in the classroom! We are so proud of you Edward!"
Alquan Satterfield, Diehl Elementary School, 5th grade (not pictured)
"Alquan has shown tremendous growth in reading, raising his DIBELS score by 49 point from the neginnning to the middle of the year, and he continues to improve completing 25 of the 26 required subskills on Amplify reading. Alquan has also grown into a leader in the classroom. He shows great maturity and sets an example for others to follow. Way to go Alquan, you make Diehl Proud!"
Congratulations to our EPS Student Stairclimbers!