- Erie's Public Schools
- Stairclimbers 2021-2022 school year
- October 2021 Stairclimbers
Erie's Public Schools Student Stairclimber Awards
Erie's Public Schools strives to always celebrate the success of our students. As part of that initiative, the Stairclimber Award is presented monthly at regular School Board meetings (from October through May) to one student from each building, recognizing their tenacity, grit and perseverance toward making improvements in their ABC's -- Attendance, Behavior and Classroom Performance.
The EPS Stairclimber Award, which stems from PA School Climate Data feedback and Strategic Plan Survey results, supports our district-wide movement of School-Wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (SWPBIS).
Meet our October 2021 Stairclimbers!
Tarence Noble Jr., Eagle's Nest Program of Academic Distinction, 5th grade
"You make your peers, teacher and staff very proud!"
La'Shardae Champion, Strong Vincent Elementary School, 6th grade
"When it came to naming Strong Vincent's first Stairclimber of the year, our sixth grade team was unamious in their selection of La'Shardae Champion. She represents everything you can ask for from a middle school student - - - positive attitude, hard-working, kind hearted, and respectful. She never ceases to amaze her teachers from the minute she steps into their classrooms. La'Shardae - the entire Colonel Family is proud of you. You show us every day why MIDDLE SCHOOL MATTERS. With COURAGE, she CONQUERS."
Logan Miller, Grover Cleveland Elementary School, 3rd grade
"Logan has excellent attendance and grades. He is always ready to help his teacher and classmates with his vast amount of knowledge and imagination. Logan makes learning fun and goes above and beyond in all he does."
Nevaeh Johnson, Harding Elementary School, 1st grade
"Neveah was nominated by her teachers because she works hard and is always kind to everyone around her. She helps struggling learners and is very dedicated to her schoolwork. Because of her kindhearted nature and can-do attitude, Nevaeh was chosen to be Harding's first Stairclimber of this school year. Keep climbing, Nevaeh!"
Samantha Guevara-Lopez, Perry Elementary School, 4th grade
"Samantha has been a wonderful addition to my classroom and to the school building. She exceeds expectations in all areas, both in and out of the classroom. She has been demonstrating her deep love of reading, writing, and art throughout her years at Perry. Sam meets our GPS daily goals of being respectful, responsible, and safe in all areas. Her maturity, caringness, and her patience truly makes Samantha a perfect candidate for this award. You make your peers, teachers, and staff very proud here at Perry!"
Shy Jones, Patrick J. DiPaolo Student Success Center at Emerson-Gridley, 3rd grade
"Shy Jones works hard in the classroom to complete all her assignments. When faced with a tough task, she goes back through her lessons and reviews the material until she reaches master status on the assignment. She is a good friend to her classmates. She volunteers to help new students to the room learn the class routines and shows them where to find materials as well as places in the building. She is a kind and helpful student."
Rohil Gurung, Erie High School, 11th grade (not pictured)
Administrators say that Rohil has made great strides in demonstrating positive behavior. Rohil is “always doing the right thing and positively interacts with everyone in the building. It’s wonderful having Rohil at Erie High!”
Anisha Tiwari, NWPA Collegiate Academy, 12th grade (not pictured)
"She is the manager of The Gallery and has shown a lot of effort and initiative in putting everything together after the pandemic."
Elijah Jeffries, East Middle School, 7th grade (not pictured)
"Elijah has done a great job adapting in his learning in the past two school years as well as transitioned well from 6th grade to 7th grade, Elijah is a dedicated student and most recently can be found helping support peers in and out of the classroom. Elijah has earned VIP status at East for the month of September, earning all A's, Perfect Attendance, and having no behaviors incidents."
Isabelle Grucza, Wilson Middle School, 6th grade (not pictured)
"Isabelle has shown an increase in classroom participation and a strong drive for success. She is continuously looking out for others while going above and beyond."
Juliana Rodriguez-Mendez, JoAnna Connell Elementary School, 5th grade (not pictured)
"Juliana is a 5th grade student who has had 100% positive days since school started. She has been a leader in the classroom helping the 3rd grade students in the classroom navigate their computers as they used iPads last year in 2nd grade. She has continuously stayed positive with her peers and staff members in the building. She has and continues to make tremendous progress with her behavior and work completion. She embodies what it means to be a Connell Cougar; she is respectful, responsible and safe."
Aron Ortiz Nieves, Diehl Elementary School, 5th grade (not pictured)
"Aron is always working hard to improve himself. He has become a leader for Diehl both in the classroom and outside by being a patrol. Aron is on time and using follows all expectations of safe, responsible, and respectful. Way to go Aaron. You make Diehl PROUD!"
Sylvana Alic, Edison Elementary School, 5th grade (not pictured)
"We are so happy to see Sylvana each day at Edison! She comes to school each day ready to learn and also has chosen to join our after school programming! We are so excited to recognize Sylvana in this way."
Nevaeh Stewart, Jefferson Elementary School, 1st grade (not pictured)
"Nevaeh Stewart is a first grade student at Jefferson! She is a kind, responsible and safe. She is always on task and follows every direction. Nevaeh is a leader and role model in the classroom. She loves school and even participated during the summer. We are excited to present this award to a young lady who always brings her Bronco best!"
Nicolas Torrado, Lincoln Elementary School, 5th grade (not pictured)
"Nicolas is a leader in the classroom and within the school. Nicolas' calm demenor assists him when he is defending others and himself from unkind words and/or actions from peers. He is often the first to mediate disputes with dignity applied to all parties involved. He is a what a good friend looks like."
Dillon Harris, McKinley Elementary School, 5th grade (not pictured)
"Dillon has risen to the challenge of becoming a leader to his peers. He has gone through ranks and is an integral member of the McKinley Captains. He constantly offers assistance to those in need, on his own. Great work, Dillon! You make us all so proud to be McKinley Mariners."
Dennis White, Pfeiffer-Burleigh Elementary School, 2nd grade (not pictured)
"Dennis White has made tremendous strides at Pfeiffer Burleigh. He comes to school on time, all day, every day. Dennis serves as an excellent role model for his peers by using his leadership skills to help others learn, stay on task, and encouraging them to make good choices. Dennis turns in all his homework and takes responsibility for his learning; he recently earned his first 100% on a spelling test! Dennis asks about his work assignments daily and always uses kind words. He is on the right path this year, and we couldn't be prouder of him!"