• Early Intervention

    Closeup of child's hands holding a yellow coloring pencil, coloring a picture that includes a house, four members of a familyErie’s Public School’s Early Intervention program evaluates and provides services for children with developmental delays beginning at age three until they are eligible to enter kindergarten. Any parent concerned about his/her child’s development may refer the child to the Early Intervention Program.






    Our Services

    Erie’s Public School’s Early Intervention Program identifies and provides services to children between the ages of three and when the child enters kindergarten. Services are required to be provided in the child’s Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). These settings may include, but are not limited to:

    • Home/Daycare
    • Preschool/Pre-K Counts
    • Head Start
    • Childhood Development Centers
    • Specialized Settings
    • Approved Private Schools

    Individual Education Program (IEP)

    We evaluate your child by observing how your child functions in the five areas of development, which include physical development, cognitive development, communication development, social or emotional development, and adaptive development. If a child Qualifies for Early Intervention Services, and Individual Education Program (IEP) will be developed by the child’s IEP team, which includes a parent/guardian.

    Transition to School Age

    When age-eligible to attend Kindergarten, all children on an IEP are entitles to a transition meeting held in conjunction with school district personnel.

    Referral Process

    If you believe your child may qualify for Early Intervention services, please fill out this form. You can email the completed form to Laura Kitcey at lkitcey@eriesd.org or mail it to Erie's Public Schools, attn: Early Intervention, 124 W. 21st St., Erie, PA 16502. A member of the EPS Special Education staff will contact you after the form is received. 

    Please see below for helpful information:

    Early Intervention Resources for Educators

    Early Intervention Resources for Parents and Families

    Early Intervention Learning Portal

    Kindergarten Readiness

Contact Early Intervention

Contact Early Intervention