Special Education
Page Navigation
- Overview
- Early Intervention
- Special Programs
- ABCs of Special Education: The Basics
- Resources for Parents, Guardians & Caregivers
- Family and Student Events, Training Sessions and Educational Workshops
- Secondary Transition Services
- Forms
- PASA Testing Information
- Erie's Public Schools
- Secondary Transition Services
- Academic and Interest Assessments
TEST (Summary)
SAT – College board assessment
PSAT – SAT pretest
ACT – College Board assessment
January & May
Keystones (Alg 1, Bio, & Lit) – end-of-course assessments designed to test proficiency in above subjects
8th – 11th
ACT (Special Testing) – College Board assessment
Erie High School
February/ March
PASA (Reading & Math) – Specifically identified students. Designed to test proficiency in above subjects at identified skill levels
8th & 11th
PSSA (Reading & Math) – assessments designed to test proficiency in subjects
PASA (Science) – Specifically identified students. Designed to test proficiency in above subjects at identified skill levels
8th & 11th
NOCTI – State Certification for specific Career and Technical program of study
Erie High School
ACT (Special Testing) – College Board assessment
12th & 11th
Erie High School
PSSA (Science) – assessment designed to test proficiency in subject
SAT– College board assessment
11th& 12th
ACT – College Board assessment
FREE ONLINE INTEREST ASSESSMENTSO*Net Online: Free website with detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, workforce development and HR professionals, students, researchers and more. www.onetonline.org/ O*Net Online Interest Survey: www.mynextmove.org/explore/ip
PA Career Zone: Four separate assessments: Quick Assessment that explores jobs that best match student personality; Interest Profiler – helps students to discover what their interests are and how they relate to the world of work; Skills Profiler – help students to explore occupations that require specific skillset. https://www.pacareerzone.org/assessments
Career One Stop: Three different assessments available: Get My Future Interest Assessment (Interest Assessment), Skills Profiler Assessment (assessment helps to identify student skills); US Skills Profiler (Work Values Assessment) – will create a list of student skills and match skills to careers. http://www.careeronestop.org/explorecareers/assessments/self-assessments.aspx
CAREERwise Education: Interest Assessment (Powered by O*Net) and Career Cluster Interest Assessment: http://www.careerwise.mnscu.edu/careers/assessmentsuite.html
Career Wonders : When I Grow Up, Printable Interest Survey for middle school students: http://eao.arizona.edu/sites/eao.arizona.edu/files/Career%20inventory.pdf
Pictoral Interest Survey: https://www.eriesd.org/cms/lib/PA01001942/Centricity/Domain/229/Pictoral_Interest_Inventory_template_.pdf
Indiana Secondary Tradition Resource Center Transition Assessment Matrix: https://instrc.indiana.edu/transition-resources/transition-matrix.html
Arc’s Self-Determination Scale (Adolescent Version) is a student self-report measure of self-determination designed for use by adolescents. The scale’s two primary purposes are: to provide student with cognitive disabilities and educators a tool that assists them in identifying student strengths and limitations in the area of self-determination; and to provide a research tool to examine the relationship between self-determination and factors that promote/inhibit this important outcome. (PDF File) http://www.ou.edu/content/dam/Education/documents/miscellaneous/the-arc-self-determination-scale.pdf
Got Style? Understanding your own way of learning. Learning Styles inventory to assist students in understanding how they learn and adapt to their environment. (PDF File) https://wvde.state.wv.us/counselors/links/students/documents/9.8.1-Learning_styles_assessment.pdf
Multiple Intelligence, Self-Assessment. Multiple intelligences represent different intellectual abilities. There are multiple types of human intelligence, each representing different ways of processing information: http://www.edutopia.org/multiple-intelligences-assessment
AIR – Self Determination Assessment (Zarrow Center for Learning): This assessment is used to determine the students present level of self-determination, as well as to identify the areas that need to be improved on. Students, parents, and teachers can complete. http://www.ou.edu/content/education/centers-and-partnerships/zarrow/self-determination-assessment-tools/air-self-determination-assessment.html
Transition Health Care Checklist provides a checklist, resources and steps to assist youth and families in making a successful transition to adult living that includes health and health care. http://transition-guide-admin.s3.amazonaws.com/files/2013/02/25/FinalTransitionHCchecklistFeb2013.pdf
OTHER RESOURCES- Office for Vocational Rehabilitation: Provides vocational rehabilitation services to help persons with disabilities prepare for, obtain, or maintain employment. OVR provides services to eligible individuals with disabilities, both directly and through a network of approved vendors. http://www.dli.pa.gov/Individuals/Disability-Services/ovr/Pages/default.aspx
- Erie County Care Management: Provides case management and other services to Erie County's behavioral health, developmental disabilities and other human service consumers. By offering local support that assures access, ECCM ensure that care decisions are consumer-based and individualized, offering comprehensive, holistic care that fosters independence. http://eccm.org/
- Hiram G Andrews Center: Provides a comprehensive program of services featuring the integration of education on campus at the Commonwealth Technical Institute (CTI), counseling, evaluation and physical restoration in a barrier-free environment. http://www.dli.pa.gov/Individuals/Disability-Services/hgac/Pages/default.aspx
- Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit 5: Regional educational service agency, IU5 provides cost-effective programs and services for the 17 public school districts, charters and nonpublic schools in Erie, Crawford and Warren Counties: www.iu5.org/#!special-ed-parent-page/c12oy
- O*Net Online: Free website with detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, workforce development and HR professionals, students, researchers and more. www.onetonline.org/
- O*Net Online Interest Survey: www.mynextmove.org/explore/ip
- Erie's Public Schools Work-Study Program: Provides eligible students training and learning opportunities while on the job. In addition to being paid, students receive periodic monitoring supports from a job coach and will earn 2-3 school credits upon successful completion of the program at the end of the school year. Work-study candidates must exhibit ALL of the following characteristics: be a senior in good standing and up-to-date with all credits, on track to graduate, maintain passing grades and have positive attendance and behavior.