• E2 Plan:  Energy and Education
    In 2011, the E2 Plan was conceived to improve the overall energy usage in the Erie City School District (ESD).  Two committees were formed: 
    •    The Energy Committee consisted of ESD operational personnel and community partners:  Department of Environmental Protection, Erie Art Museum and Erie Insurance.

    The directive of this committee was to assess the heating and electrical operational status of the district and make recommendations for improved function.  Presentations were given to the central administration and school board and meetings were held with all building engineers and principals. 

    •    The Education Committee consisted of ESD teachers and community partners:  Asbury Woods Nature Center and Earth Action.
    This committee designed the energy audit curriculum (Phases I and II) that was used in thirteen schools in the district during the 2011 school year.
    The final result of these two committees was the board approved District Energy Guidelines (2012) and the Resource Conservation Curriculum integrated into the 6th grade science curriculum in the fall of 2013.