EPS Libraries are here to help!Chat with a Librarian
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Want to talk to your School Librarian?Email Ms. Drapcho if you attend one of these schools:
Diehl Elementary
Edison Elementary
Harding Elementary
Joanna Connell Elementary
Pfeiffer-Burleigh Elementary
Accelerated Learning Academy
Erie High School
Northwest Pennsylvania Collegiate Academy
Email Mrs. Ferrante if you attend one of these schools:
Grover Cleveland Elementary
Jefferson Elementary
Lincoln Elementary
McKinley Elementary
Perry Elementary
East Middle School
Strong Vincent Middle School
Wilson Middle School
Wondering about reading books online and copyright?
Many authors and publishers are changing copyright restrictions in order to accomodate school closures. Click on the links below for more information about copyright compliance.
School Library Journal provides a list of publishers and their policies. Last updated 3/18/2020.
Kate Messner has a list of publisher requirements for her books. She also includes a list of other publishers and links to their copyright requirements.
Need to use POWER Library resources at home? Get an eCard!
Click on the image above to access the online application.
Click here for application directions.