• Beach Walk 

    Beach Walk is one of Collegiate Academy's most cherished traditions. This year's Beach Walk is on Friday, October 4.


    Spirit Week: October 1–4

    During Spirit Week, all student clothing must adhere to the Erie's Public Schools dress code

    • Tuesday, Oct. 1: USA Day
    • Wednesday, Oct. 2: Country vs. Country Club
    • Thursday, Oct 3: Villains vs. Heroes
    • Friday, Oct 4: Beach Walk Day!!!!


    This annual event serves two purposes. First, Beach Walk raises money for the Collegiate Academy Endowment Fund, which allows each academic department to award a scholarship to a deserving student every year. Some of the proceeds go to the Student Activity Fund, which helps pay for various student events throughout the year. Any money that a student raises over the minimum of $35 will to directly to school improvement projects.

    Second, Beach Walk gives the students and staff a day to have fun and celebrate all the things that make Collegiate Academy the great school it is.

    The morning of Beach Walk, the students ride buses to Presque Isle. After completing the four-mile walk, the students have a picnic lunch.  After lunch there is a DJ, various sports, a rock-skipping contest, and other activities. And the backdrop to the whole event is the natural beauty of Presque Isle State Park.

    When the students return to school around 2:00 they participate in one of Academy's most eagerly anticipated traditions:  the annual Chicken Toss!