• Syllabus 


    Mrs. McCorkle & Mr. Beiter – Room C100 & C103


    1.    Students will develop an understanding of the core concepts of technology and design.

    2.    Students will use engineering concepts of design and problem solving skills to develop products for manufacturing.

    3.    Students will be able to write technical documents and build communication with professional personnel.

    4.    Students will build desired skills in preparation for college and careers post graduation.



    1st & 2nd Year

    3rd & 4th Year

    Engineering Safety

    Engineering Safety

    Computer Aided Drawing

    Computer Aided Drawing

    Fields of Engineering

    Materials & Manufacturing Processes

    Design Process

    Electrical Systems

    Electrical Systems

    Structural Systems

    Materials & Manufacturing Processes

    Thermal Systems

    Hydraulics & Pneumatics





    Students are expected to:

    ·         Be prepared (textbook, pen/pencil, flash drive, completed assignments, and calculator, 3-ring binder).

    ·         Complete class assignments and homework, maintain a notebook and prepare for assessments.

    ·         Be on time for class and participate in class discussions and projects.

    ·         Complete work missed during an absence.

    ·         Follow school and district policies.

    ·         Attend extra help when class material needs additional explanation.



    1.    Pen/pencil

    2.    1 GB Flash Drive

    3.    TI-30XIIS Calculator (Texas Instruments)

    4.    3-Ring Binder w/ sheet protectors



    ·         Students are responsible for all work missed during an absence (this includes notes).  Work missed due to an unexcused absence will receive a “0”.  (Refer to the discipline policy.)



    • Quarter grades will be comprised of tests, class assignments, class notes, homework, class projects, clean-up activities, progress reports, Do Nows/bell ringers, and quizzes.
    • Quarter grades will be determined by dividing the number of points earned by the number of points possible.
    • The final grade is computed by averaging the percentages earned for each of the four quarters.  (Note:  An actual earned grade will be reflected on the report card.)





                                                    A                     90% - 100%

                                                    B                     80% - 89%

                                                    C                     70% - 79%

                                                    D                     65% - 69%

                                                    F                      0% - 64%



    • Tests are announced at least two classes in advance.




    • Class assignments are to be completed in class.  Any assignment not completed in class will receive a “0”.  Absent students must be “excused” to make up the missed work.
    • Class assignments should include student’s name, date, and assignment.




    • All Projects will need to be completed by a desired deadline.
    • Projects will be graded depending on the overall completeness and efforts towards the finished product.
    • Any project unfinished by the deadline will result in a zero.




    ·         Students are responsible to acquire training on the various manufacturing equipment (CNC Router, Laser Engraver, 3D Printer) in the lab.

    ·         Students will participate in engineering design reviews that will encompass the process as which a finished product will be manufactured.



    ·         Students are required to participate in a 5 day clean-up activity once each quarter.

    ·         Students will be assessed on the clean-up activity performed for each day.



    ·         Students will complete a progress report at the end of each week to indicate their performance in the class for the week.

    ·         Students are to write in detail with complete sentences, using proper grammar, about the duties and activities the student performed for the week.

    ·         Students will be assessed on the detail of writing about their performance as well as the progress made in the classroom.



    • Do Nows are given at the beginning of a class period and shall be completed in the provided composition notebook.  Notebooks will be graded every two weeks and are awarded 2 points per Do Now (20 points total every two weeks)
    • Do Nows must include the problem, date, circled answer, and all work must be shown to receive full credit.
    • Students that have an excused absence are exempt from that missed Do Now.




    • Extra help is available on Tuesdays.  Additional times can be scheduled if necessary.