
    Miss Troutner

    Erie High School

    LS Physical Science

    LS Life Science

    LS Biology

    Push in with Geometry, and English 10


    (814)874-6200 ext TBA

    Room F102

    Extra Help Night: Tuesday (I'm flexible. We can discuss something else if needed)


    Color Guard Co-Instructor/Administrator Assistant 

    Erie High School Marching Band


    Genders and Sexualities Alliances (GSA)



    Welcome Message:


    I am a learning support teacher focusing on science this year. I have all learning support classes; Biology, Life science, and physical science. I also assist Mrs. Clarke and Mr. Shunk with a class each. 

    I am here early and many days I stay late. I work with many students with disabilities and will do my best to assist anywhere. 


    Thank you,

    Miss Troutner


    Biology Syllabus

    Physical Science Syllabus

    Life Science Syllabus