- Erie High School
- Web Resources
Frankenstein Novel Text
Before the shutdown, some classes were close to beginning Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. I did not distribute the text, however. For those who would like to take the opportunity to begin the book, this link will take you to a page containing the full text of the novel.
SAT Prep- Practice Tests
This link will take you to SAT practice tests created by Khan Academy, which partners with College Board. If you need help creating an account, send me an e-mail.
SAT Prep- Test Administration Information
This page provides information from College Board about SAT testing this academic year. In short, tests for March and April have been cancelled. June 6th testing is still on until further notice.
AP Lang- Free AP Classes
This is a link to some free courses that the College Board is offering to help you review skills we covered and help you to crack into some of the material we may not get to at the normal time this year.