• Spanish
    With more than 400 million speakers worldwide, Spanish is the fourth most spoken language in our world. It is an official language of the United Nations, the European Union, NAFTA and OPEC. Being able to communicate in the Spanish language and culture gives one a competitive edge anywhere in the Western Hemisphere as well as in Europe.
    Not only is Spanish spoken in four of the seven continents, but one can also hear the language and experience the culture right here in Erie, Pennsylvania. With more than fifty million Spanish speakers in the US, it is the first language of one out of ten people in our country. It is crucial for our students to study this language to reach global and local opportunities that are right here, right now.
    Spanish I (H)
    1 Credit
    Grades 9, 10, 11, 12
    Spanish II (H)
    1 Credit
    Grades 10, 11, 12
    Spanish III (H)
    1 Credit
    Grades 10, 11, 12
    Spanish IV (H)
    1 Credit
    Grades 10, 11, 12
    Advanced Placement Spanish Language
    1 Credit
    Grades 11, 12