• Expectations for Art Students at Woodrow Wilson and From the Teacher.


    Students taking the arts at Woodrow Wilson are not expected to have a background in the visual arts or have advanced skills in any of it's fields. The only expectation of them is that they come with an open mind and a willingness to try. All students will be expected to make an attempt to participate in projects presented to them, but their level of skill does not necesarily dictate the score they will receive. Tangelable goals are set up for assignments that students are expected to achieve that do not necessaril require the aesthetics of the work to be the primary factor in the grade they will receive. For example, if an assignment requires a certain number of jobs to be created under a specific set of time, the number of objects done will be the primary determining factor in the student's score, not so much how well they were able to reproduce those objects.

    It's believed that even students not acustom to doing art should still be able to be successful in the class so long as they complete work and follow directions given to them. How the project looks will improve over time with continued practice.