Collegiate Community of Caring
Advisor: Ms. Pam Wiley
Caring community schools emphasize the importance not only of academics but also of social and civic participation. The Collegiate Community of Caring combines four organizations: Learn and Serve, Erie's Promise, Lookin' Out, and the Student Assistance Program (SAP) Team. It is an inclusive web of respectful, supportive relationships between students, teachers, administrators, and parents.
Learn and Serve provides service-learning projects in the school and community. Projects include food drives, blood drives, Walk-America, and Relay for Life.Erie's Promise uses the 40 developmental assets as students promote programs with caring adults in safe places. This year the group will intiate the Character Counts Week, October 18–24.
Lookin' Out is a safe teen-driving program sponsored by Erie Insurance. Members provide safe-driving information, like at the Lookin' Out Prom assembly.
The SAP Team is available for any students at risk for failure at home or in school. Friends, teachers, or parents can refer students to the SAP team.
September Newsletter for more information and opportunities to get involved.
You can also download the
Service Hours Form, which is required to document community service hours.