• TEAM 06B’s Behavior Plan


    Students are expected to follow school rules in our classrooms at all times. 


    All disruptive behaviors and small infractions will be given two warnings and then the following continuum of consequences:


    1. Conference with student about behavior

    2. After school detention and phone call home

    3. Referral to the office


    Disruptive Behaviors include but are not limited to: talking out, not following directions and any other action or non action that disrupts the learning environment of the classroom.


    In the cases of more severe misbehaviors, students may skip the first three steps of the continuum and be sent directly to the office.


    Parent Conferences can be set up by contacting the office.  The best times for conferences are regular school days from 10:00-11:00. 

    All conferences are conducted as a team and will include an administrator.  



    All teachers in this team have an open-door policy and encourage parents to contact us or the school at any time!  Email is a convenient form of communication: 

    cdeprez@eriesd.org  – Ms. Deprez– Language Arts   rapowierza@eriesd.org – Mr. Powierza – Math    clafuria@eriesd.org – Ms. LaFuria – Social Studies cjjohnson@erisd.org – Mr. Johnson – Special Education/ Inclusion     ahaight@eriesd.org – Ms. Haight – Science