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If you are unsure of the login information please email your childs teacher. The students should be checking the teacher page daily for updates and assignments. Here are the Reading and Math links.
Keeping your head in the game is very important-even when you are not physically at Perry's building. Below are some English Language Arts and Math packets to give you the opportunity to enhance the skillls you've been working on over the past several months.
Some of the passages and questions may seem easy and others may be a bit more challenging. It is important to complete the lessons to the best of your ability. We included a wide variety of topics and activities to keep you engaged.
You can work at your own pace and we don't expect you to complete everything in one day. If you finish the packet, our best advice is to read for pleasure. When school begins again, simply bring these packets for your teacher to review!
These are short, colorful and easy to understand with picture/text format. Enjoy!
Please be sure to read each and every day with your child! The benefits are tremendous!
There are even links to visit digital libraries, check it out!
Free Library of Philadelphia