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Welcome to Kindergarten!
Name: Julie MinichelliSchool: PerrySchool Phone: 874-6485Room #: 102Classes: KindergartenWelcome Message:Welcome to PerryDearest Parents,
Welcome! We are very excited about meeting each and every one of you! We look forward to teaching your child and providing meaningful experiences to develop a lifelong love of learning. We want the first year of elementary school to be a positive experience. The following information may answer some of the numerous questions you have about Kindergarten at Perry School.
Drop off Dismissal: Kindergarten lines up at the Cascade Street door the first week of school. Week two you may drop your child off at the Cascade Street door and students will enter the building independently at 8:00a.m.(If your child is going to participate in our breakfast program you will need to drop your child off at the breakfast room door at 7:45a.m. (This is in the back of the building on the right side closest to the dumpsters and will start week 2 )Dismissal for kindergarten will be at 2:30 at the Cascade Street Door.
Daily Schedule: The following is a sample of a daily schedule from last year. You will receive one specific for your child once the times and related arts schedule have been created.
8:00-8:30-Breakfast/Pledge/Entry task
8:45-9:00-Morning Message(Circle Time)
9:00-9:25-Phonics worktime
9:30-11:00-Language Arts/Writers workshop
11:30-12:00-Recess/Wellness walk/Promethean Board Activities in room 102.
12:00-12:40 Math
12:45-1:35-Related arts-Art/Music/Gym/Library
1:40-2:10-centers/literacy and math
2:10-2:25-clean up/pass homework 2:30-dismissal
Snack- Each month your child will receive a snack calendar please provide snack for your child on his/her day. We ask that your provide snacks that are individually wrapped. Popular items include animal crackers, chips, fruit snacks, goldfish crackers, fruit cups, pudding. Please refrain from peanut and products that include peanuts as we may have children with severe allergies. Birthday treats- Please refrain from sending in large cakes. Cupcakes are easier for our small little hands. Drinks are not necessary students may get water from the fountains, although juice boxes may be provided if you choose.
Homework-Please check your student’s book bag for their folders each night. Homework may be re-reading a leveled reader or may be a written task for your child. Homework will be sent home Monday –Thursday.
Supplies- You will receive a supply list from your teacher on the first day. The only thing your child will need on the first day is a book bag. Please purchase one large enough for a 3 ring binder and folder to fit in.
Lunch- Your child may pack a lunch or may order one from the cafeteria. If your child orders a lunch it is at no cost to you. A lunch calendar will be sent home on the first day of school. You may also refer to the district web page for the daily lunch menu. If you child doesn’t like the hot lunch provided they have a choice of either peanut butter jelly sandwich or bologna and cheese sandwich.
Discipline- You will receive details on how your child’s teacher handles classroom discipline. Perry does have a positive G.P.S. program in place to promote students to independently monitor their own behavior. We expect at all times students to BE SAFE….BE RESPECTFUL…BE RESPONSIBLE. There will also be a district discipline handbook sent home which will outline our district discipline policies. There will be forms you will need to sign so we have documentation that you have read our policy.
Grading- Our curriculum and standards are very rigorous. Students will be expected to master the skills listed in the PA State and Common Core Standards. Specific skills and objectives will be sent home to you along with a copy of our report card for you to monitor your child’s progress.
Report Cards- Report cards are issued for kindergarten twice a year; January and June. You will receive informal assessment throughout the year to keep you informed of your child’s progress.
We look forward to working with you and your child!
Mrs. Amy Bayhurst
Mrs. Julie Minichelli
Mrs. Kelli Inman