• 10B's Related Arts / Specials Schedule  - All specials will be from 9:05-9:45am daily

    Day 1 - Art

    Day 2 - Library

    Day 3 - Enrichment

    Day 4 - Gym

    Day 5 - Music 



    8:00-8:20 Breakfast / Morning Work

    8:30-9:00- Community Circles / Respectful Ways / i-Ready

    9:05-9:45 - Related Arts

    9:50-10:50 - Math

    10:50-11:05 - Recess 

    11:05-11:35 - Lunch

    11:40-1:10 - CKLA

    1:10-1:40 - Science / Social Studies

    1:40-2:20 - Intervention / i-Ready / Read Aloud 

    2:20-2:30 - Pack up / Dismissal


    *All students will leave from the North gym doors on 29th Street side at 2:30pm*