• My name is Mrs. Jane Wieser.  I am in my 30th year of teaching and love my profession!

    I have taught first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and seventh grade.  While I have enjoyed every teaching experience I have had, I am thrilled to be in an elementary school!  I especially love these grade levels  and the way the students are so excited to be in school and to be successful :)

    I have taught in private and public schools in both Erie and in North Carolina.  

    I am married to Mr. Wieser (almost 34 years!) and have 3 amazing children...Cherish these years that your children are still little ~ mine have grown up way too fast and I would give anything to be back to the days of reading stories, practicing spelling words and memorizing math facts with each of them!!!! My oldest son, Zachary, lives in Indiana with his German Shepherd, Buck.  My daughter, Sarah, is a CPA in Erie and is getting married on August 24th!!!!!!  My youngest son, Ryan, lives in Buffalo and will be deploying to South Africa in September for almost a year.  Positive thoughts appreciated.

    Reading is my passion ~ I have an Associate Degree in Business Administration, my Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education, and my Masters Degree in Reading.  I am a certified Reading Specialist in the state of Pennsylvania.  I attended Edinboro University for both of my undergraduate degrees and for my graduate degree.kids reading